One month into the year and I want to do it all.

February.  A month since the New Year's Intentions were set.  Well in my case a month of setting them.  The first act of the new year was to start writing...anything...notes in my phone...words and more words in a journal....goals and tasks in a beautiful new year diary (bought in September in fact!) with advice on planting and casting spells by the moon and other practical tips for the modern woman.

So this is something of what I wrote on January 2nd:

"In 2017 my intentions are to follow my intuition and to listen to the feelings under the reactions and thoughts.  By doing this my intention is to react less and be grounded in my understanding of myself.  My intention is to be more gentle with myself and by doing this be more gentle with others.  How I love and treat myself with kindness will reflect how I treat others.  This is my intention - to be more grounded in myself.  My intention is to pursue work that has meaning and gives to others while filling me up with purpose."

Then there are all the others... a bit like the Santa list..."oh and I would also like.." to travel more, be healthy, go to the gym, see my friends more, read books, practice yoga oh and don't forget I want to do it all, and I also want to do absolutely nothing". 

So how's it going you may ask?  

Well so far I've read a couple of books, taken up Cross Fit which for any of you who do the gym thing I'm rather a 'modified cross fitter' as in I do the sessions with great respect for my trainer who in turn respects my age and agility (one is great, one is not so great).  I've become disciplined at doing nothing aka walking by the river, sitting on my meditation cushion or lying on my yoga mat under a tree mindfully noticing the leaves and the clouds and the sound of Harry barking at the birds, the train, the trucks...actually anyone who passes...



Throughout December I admit I had become restless and frustrated with my work practices, I had so many ideas and so little opportunity for action.  All the lying under the tree and the walking by the river filled me with inspiration and creativity and still I held myself back.  The Universe however tends to tire of my indecision and procrastination so I was given a little psychological push.  I released those New Year Intentions and then started acting on them.  One month in and I have changed my work patterns, taken on new work in an area I love and if you look on my webpage menu you'll notice a new page which I'm very excited about.  More on this in another post.

So February...let's see what you bring.  

Now you.  How are you going with your New Year's Intentions?  Are you excited about the year? Are your plans and ideas coming together?  Are you creating space to sit under a tree or walk by a river or somewhere that makes your spirit soar?  If not, why not?  Listen to your heart, follow your intuition, be grounded in yourself.  Do it all or do absolutely nothing.  Just do what makes your heart sing.

Karen xx